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By signing a Grooming Contract you are agreeing to the following:


  • It is my priority, and every care will be taken to make your dog’s experience a happy and positive one. However, dogs are left at the owner’s risk.
  • It is the owners’ responsibility to provide up-to-date contact details so that you may be contacted during the groom, should the need arise.
  • Please ensure your dog had been given the opportunity for a toilet break before their appointment.
  • Please do not feed your dog less than 30 minutes before their appointment.
  • I may take photos of your dog for training/developmental purposes and company social media activity. To opt out please inform the groomer.


I will always do my best to accommodate any need to reschedule/cancel appointments, however

  • MISSED/CANCELLED APPOINTMENTS – Whilst I understand life happens, should you fail to attend your appointment without notice, or cancel giving less than 48 hrs notice, a charge of £20 will be incurred before I can rebook. Repeated missed appointments and late cancellations will incur a charge equal to a full groom. Please respect that I will not be able to refill your slot at short notice and will therefore incur a financial loss.
  • LATE DROP-OFFS/COLLECTIONS – Both can have a detrimental effect on my day. Late drop-offs may mean I am unable to complete your dogs groom and will be treated as a missed appointment, incurring charge of £20. Late collections will incur a charge of £10 for every 20 minutes that your dog remains with me after the time agreed on the Grooming Contract.

Health and wellbeing

  • I will not groom pregnant or lactating bitches.
  • Grooming during a bitches’ season will be at my discretion
  • Un-vaccinated dogs may visit The Dog Groomer – St. Ives but do so at the owners’ risk.
  • Puppies may enjoy their first visit to The Dog Groomer – St. Ives once puppy vaccinations are complete.
  • Dogs cannot be groomed within 48 hrs of being microchipped to reduce the risk of infection at the needle site.
  • Grooming can be stressful for some dogs, especially for senior, young, overweight dogs or those with medical concerns. Grooming may expose unknown medical conditions or aggravate a current one during or after the groom. In the best interest of your pet the groomer will seek emergency veterinary treatment if deemed necessary for whatever reason. I will endeavour to contact you first, however this may not always be feasible. Unless I am deemed to be negligent all medical expenses are the responsibility of the owner.
  • It is the owners’ responsibility to inform the me of any medical issues prior to the groom. In some cases confirmation from a vet may be needed before the groom can go ahead.
  • Occasionally, it is necessary to use a muzzle for the safety of both groomer and dog. It is the responsibility of the owner to inform me if they do not wish their dog to be muzzled. This may mean the groom is unable to take place.
  • Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 – I cannot groom any dog that is, or is crossed with, a Pit Bull Terrier, Dogo Argentino, Japanese Tosa or Fila Brasileiro. I will not groom any dog that must be registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, the Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Act 1997 or any further amendments to this Act.
  • Anxious/agggressive behaviour – Owners have the obligation to inform me of any known aggressive/nervous behaviour traits their pet may have to other animals or humans. Specifically if they have been advised by previous groomers of any aggressive/nervous behaviour.
    Behavioural charges will be decided by me depending on the severity of the behaviour and the time, skill and equipment required to groom the dog. If your dog should bite you agree to be responsible for all related medical bills, loss of earnings and equipment damage. I reserve the right to refuse service if I believe your dog may become a danger to itself or those within the salon. In the event any of these behaviours present during the groom the session may stopped at anytime and the full fee incurred.
  • Whilst I will endeavor to groom your dog to your requirements comfort and welfare have to remain the priority. Matts left in situ will tighten causing discomfort and medical issues. Attempting to brush them out may cause pain and distress to your dog. Coats considered to be un-saveable will require close shaving, which carries a risk of nicks and clipper burn, and may sometimes expose previously undetected health issues particularly regarding the skin. While every care is taken to avoid such issues, prevention is the better option, and is achieved through good coat maintenance. I am here to work WITH you, the owner, and will be happy to advise on a regular grooming technique/schedule to achieve a style that both you and your dog are comfortable with.
    Matted and poorly maintained coats require extra time, skill and equipment maintenance and therefore may incur a matting fee.
  • Fleas & Ticks – If your dog is known to have a parasitic infestation, I ask that you reschedule. 48 hours notice must be provided to avoid a cancelation charge. I recommend that you contact your veterinary surgeon to provide If ticks are found an additional £5 will be charged to include removal. I will not be held responsible for any infection caused by the tick or removal thereof.


  • Quotes given at the time of booking may differ from the price at consultation/completion of groom. I am happy to explain the reasons for this and where possible will seek your consent before the groom commences.
  • Payment must be made upon collection of your dog, without exception.

The Dog Groomer – St. Ives reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.

Any complaints about The Dog Groomer – St.ives must be directed in the first instance to the manager in person, via phone or by e-mail.

GDPR Statement – In order to provide grooming I am required to obtain and store a limited amount of your personal information. Such information will be stored in accordance with all relevant legislation, will never be shared with any 3rd parties or organisations and will only be used for the purposes of providing the requested or related services. You have the right to request and review any of your personal information.